





Author: some words have always wanted to say, but all kinds of delay, people say I am calm, I do not know is calm or procrastination late first article, let's talk about pediatric massage bar. Originally loved and has been feeling Chinese medicine since childhood, and because he has more than one child, his love, naturally transformed into pediatric massage.
Now that you're starting, you're going to stick to the original
Every time I told people that children massage, will be a "child is too suitable for massage" beginning, really from the bottom of my heart.
The child was born, even if the general ailments, is also very simple surface, unlike those of us old people, after decades of various diseases have been deeply frustrating, in vivo, can imagine the state is cobwebs entangled, and children is the body of pure, clean, massage is easy to solve the problem;
The most important point, children generally do not have the disease (a row of very large obstacles in the course of adult conditioning) our practical experience, in fact, now some little friends will also have better response to disease row, adhere to the difficulty increases, or now the sub-health latent younger the.
A child is born with a brand of parents, including body, strengths and weaknesses. In doing so, I often reflect on myself, give children with a variety of shortcomings, character and body, the mother in constant reflection, ha ha. I can not say to improve the shortcomings of pediatric massage (although there have been cases that have fundamentally improved) but then not to say that full well, can be said to have greatly improved the disadvantages, don't underestimate this improvement, enhance the overall immunity. In the long journey of life, physical strength is better, physical strength is the basis of all kinds, including emotion, psychology and so on.
Children's inferiority improved, not the fate and pattern changed, the reason you can realize this, in fact, not only including children
In order to have a better experience in life, give something as good as a good body, father and mother should have this understanding, worry intelligence development, not lose at the starting line, should pay attention to the body.
Here is to say that children massage choose our reason, rational thinking expression:
1: Love: they have children, full of love, my personal feelings, no children and children, the psychological change that big ah.
2: Dao Zheng: the purpose of pediatric massage is to bring health to each child, every time you know that children have improved, will be very happy, and help a baby. Even every time I see my baby on the road and see what's wrong, I have the urge to say it, but I'm afraid to be treated as a bad person
3: Special Surgery: the conditioning has deep insights, not only conditioning children, but also conditioning adults, there are differences, there are commonalities, adults and children will be more in-depth understanding of many problems. Some Difficult miscellaneous diseases including our own, baby, have the effect of bang bang da.
However, perseverance, children from the initial exclusion of crying to the last smile acceptance, parents need to adhere to and patience, pictures of Andy smile is the mother insisted on the results of the first half of the year


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