





小儿推拿的特点有:①在经穴方面提出了五指经穴通联的观点。②有适应于推拿特点的穴位,这些穴位大多集中于头面及上肢部,且穴位不仅是点状,也有线状和面状。如前臂的三关穴和六腑穴都是线状穴,而指面部的脾土、肺金 、心火、肝木、肾水诸穴皆为面状穴。特定穴位的点、线、面状和分布特色,更能反映推拿手法治病为主的特点。③诊断中发展了腹诊法,治疗上很重视归经施治和五行生克的基本法则。④在推拿手法方面,强调以轻柔着实为主,要求轻快柔和,平稳着实,适达病所,形成了“按摩掐揉推运搓摇”小儿推拿八法为主的一整套小儿推拿手法和复式操作法。⑤在临床操作中,一是强调先头面、次上肢、次胸腹、次腰背、次下肢的操作程序;二是强调手法的补泻作用;三是重视膏摩的应用和使用葱汁、姜汁、滑石粉等介质进行推拿,这样既可保护娇嫩皮肤不致擦破,又增强手法的治疗作用。
The characteristics of massage in children are as follows: ① in the aspect of meridians, the point of view that five fingers meridians are connected is put forward. ② There are acupoints suitable for massage, most of which are concentrated on the head and upper limbs, and the acupoints are not only punctate, but also wired and facial. For example, the points of Sanguan and Liufu in forearm are all linear points, while the points of spleen earth, lung gold, heart fire, liver wood and kidney water in the face are all facial points. The characteristics of point, line, surface and distribution of specific acupoints can better reflect the main characteristics of massage therapy. ③ In the diagnosis, the abdominal diagnosis method has been developed. In the treatment, great attention has been paid to the basic principles of meridians and five elements. ④ In the aspect of massage technique, it is emphasized that it is mainly soft and solid, which requires light, soft, stable and solid, which is suitable for the hospital. It has formed a set of children's massage technique and multiple operation method, which is mainly composed of eight methods of children's Massage: "massage, pinching, pushing, rolling and shaking". ⑤ In the clinical operation, the first is to emphasize the operation procedures of the first head, the second upper limb, the second chest and abdomen, the second waist and back, and the second lower limb; the second is to emphasize the tonic effect of the manipulation; the third is to attach importance to the application of the plaster and the use of onion juice, ginger juice, talcum powder and other media for massage, which can not only protect the delicate skin from being scratched, but also enhance the therapeutic effect of the manipulation.
The object of pediatric massage generally refers to children under 6 years old, especially children under 3 years old. Its treatment range is wide, such as diarrhea, vomiting, malnutrition, constipation, anorectism, fever, cough and asthma, convulsion, enuresis, muscular torticollis, strabismus, infantile paralysis and so on.


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