





Asthma is a common respiratory disease in children. It is usually characterized by paroxysmal dyspnea, prolonged expiratory, wheezing in the throat, mouth opening and shoulder lifting in severe cases, and difficulty in lying down. It is mostly seen in spring and autumn. Climate mutation, cold and temperature loss and improper diet are the inducing factors of the disease. The ancients believed that asthma is different from asthma. According to the medical journal, "wheezing and promoting larynx is like wheezing in water, wheezing is called wheezing. Wheezing and continuous breathing are not called wheezing". But in clinic, asthma must be accompanied by asthma, so it is generally called asthma. Children's asthma refers to asthma.
(etiology and pathology) there are internal and external causes for the formation of children's asthma. "Zheng Zhi Hui bu" said: "the internal cause has blocked gas, there is a sense of non timing outside, the diaphragm has glue solid phlegm, the three combined, closed and refused to airway, fight sound, asthma.
1、内因 本病的发生与肺、脾、肾三脏不足有关。肺虚表卫不固,痰邪内状;脾虚运化失职,不能行其津液,积湿生痰,上贮于肺;肾虚不能纳气,则气短而喘。
1. The internal cause of this disease is related to the deficiency of lung, spleen and kidney. The deficiency of the lung is characterized by weak external defence and internal phlegm; the deficiency of the spleen is transferred to the wrong position, and the body fluid can not be used to accumulate dampness and produce phlegm, which can be stored in the lung; the deficiency of the kidney can not contain Qi, which will result in shortness of breath and asthma.
2、外因 气候转变,寒温失调,外邪侵袭肺脏,肃降失常,肺气壅塞,呼吸不利,气逆而喘。
2. Due to climate change, cold and temperature imbalance, exogenous pathogens invade the lungs, eliminate the disorder, block the lung qi, breathe disadvantageous, and asthma.
Asthma is caused by external factors acting on internal factors. Children with specific constitution are particularly sensitive to certain stimuli, such as exogenous cold or improper diet, over eating raw cold or salty and sour food, etc., which often lead to seizures. Repeated attack can lead to lung qi dissipation, lung deficiency and kidney, kidney yang deficiency syndrome.
Asthma can be divided into cold, heat, cold asthma and yang deficiency. "Jing Yue Quan Shu" contains: "asthma has long roots, when cold hair, or when hard hair, also known as asthma.". Asthma is caused by exogenous wind chill, cold Fu Fei Shu and accumulation of liquid to produce phlegm, or deficiency of element body Yang, and cold phlegm caused by Qi not transforming into Tianjin. Yin deficiency, phlegm and heat stagnation of the lung, or cold phlegm Long Fu Hua heat is asthma. Asthma attacks repeatedly, Lung Qi dissipation, kidney yang deficiency, Qi not absorbed for cold asthma and yang deficiency.


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